Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Tiraspol (more blasts and a blast)...

so, i feel the need to start off with a brief description of my trip to tiraspol but let's just say that it was enlightening. two days in the country, two in the city. the country = exactly the same as moldova but with certain (i doff my cap to Jakob) "chaotic modes of domination" ...the need to pay protection, random hostility to "foreigners" (more discourse than reality..)....

anyhow, another bomb went off in tiraspol, and there was hell to pay on the border. controlled three times, seemingly without any valid reasoning... as if simply looking over passports can stop this (shit, just look at what the US did after 9/11). anyways, seems like they have taken a page out of our playbook: terror + memorials = political power ........ pizdetc!

it was a grenade, and this story is pretty interesting, if only because the custodian sought to explode it on the Nistru himself...

Grenade found in student campus in Tiraspol (Transdnestr)

At 10:00 a.m. on August 14, a grenade was found in the territory of a campus in Tiraspol. The RGD-5 fragmentation grenade was found in a refuse bin. As a REGNUM correspondent is told at Transdnestr police, the grenade was found by campus watchman Ivan Kosmina. At first he put the grenade to his wardrobe to explode it on the Dniestr River, but later he decided to report to the police about his find.

At present time, operative groups of the Transdnestr Interior Ministry and State Security Ministry, as well as sappers from the Defense Ministry led by a Defense Ministry’s sapper engineering battalion commander arrived to the scene.

As REGNUM reported earlier, the explosion in trolley bus on August 13 occurred as a result of RGD-5 grenade blast.


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